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Writer's pictureCreative West End

Good Things Incubator Application Portal for Creative West End participants:

Good Things Incubator Programme - developing sustainable and socially beneficial art practice in Morecambe.

The Good Things Incubator programme will bring together Morecambe-based artists & 4 recent LICA (Lancaster Institute of Contemporary Art) graduates to develop their practice & pathways toward creative careers. We will build on partnerships with Lancaster Uni (LICA&LUMS), Creative West End (place-based arts partnership) & artist-led orgs - to promote collaboration, widen opportunities and support artistic ambitions.

Working collaboratively with partners we will provide:

  1. A bespoke programme of support - mentoring, talks, peer learning, sustainability planning and networking.

  2. Access to LICA’s Arts curriculum & networks.

  3. Commissions to showcase work at large-scale public events.

We want to support and invest in emerging local artists to develop their work in a way that interacts with and benefits the wider community, creating new creative opportunities in the area.

Commitment to attending as many workshops and sessions offered via the programme as possible is expected from participants and a keen interest in working with peers to grow and develop a culture of support and the development of a socially rooted creative sector in Morecambe is essential.


Deadline for applications: Friday 2nd September 2022 at midnight.

The programme is scheduled to start in Oct 2022 running through until February 2023. Details will be confirmed in September with participants.

Participants will also get:

  • Access to an optional studio space in Morecambe Arndale,

  • Receive an artist commission of £1360 to develop their work and run a workshop or creative happening at a Creative West End Market in Autumn or December.

This application portal is specifically for artists that live in the West End of Morecambe and are connected with Creative West End. This opportunity is funded by Creative West End who have sponsored 3 places on the programme.


All enquiries - for further information, to discuss or assistance completing the form contact:

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