‘Perception and Place’ was the key emerging theme and priority for our project delivery and will determine how we will invest in projects and proposals to create long lasting meaningful change in our town using art and creativity. This was informed by numerous consultations and engagements and will be guided and overseen by our Creative West End board made up of local people, local arts organisations and artists who each share the desire to put the community and creativity at the heart of Creative West End.
Together we will create a series of project briefs inviting artists and creatives to work with us to deliver creative projects in response to community consultation that will help us acheive our co-created goals and work towards developing an active, collaborative and inclusive creative culture here in the West End that will live on beyond the lifespan of the 3 year Creative Civic Change programme.

Kiki Callihan and Precious Plastic Lancaster
Precious Plastic Lancaster will work with the West End Morecambe community to collect and transform plastic waste into a sculpture of a flock of starlings; representing how a collective of individuals can transform into something stronger as a group.

Shadows of the Bay
Kathryn Tovey
Shadows of the Bay is an interactive eco-themed installation involving paper mâché sea creatures with which to walk and listen to the unheard sounds of the ocean. This will be accompanied by a cyanotype print workshop with items collected from the bay.

Lou Andrews and Anna Read
We will be running a series of creative workshops making flags, chopping boards and placemats whilst we chat to you about food, what you eat, where you get it from, what you grow and if you would like to be involved in creating an "edible" West End.
Postcard Projects
Based on our experiences, reflections and learnings to date; Creative West End designed the 'Postcard Project' tool as a way for artists and community members to submit ideas for projects in the future. We learnt that form filling was a significant barrier and generally not a good fit for our approach and what we want to achieve. Especially as we know so many of our community have brilliant ideas but perhaps don't have access to the internet or lack experience in filling out forms. This way we hope the experience will be more accessible - fun and engaging!
Watch the video to see the recent 'Postcard Projects' that were pitched by network members at the last network event in 2020
For more information:

Sign of the times
Becca Snow, Emma Corless & Morgane Cozler
Working with the community to capture positive messages and inspiring phrases hand painted signs will be created and installed around the area to bring positivity and joy.

Walkies with Woodhouse
Julian Abraham
Community paint by numbers mural project sharing the story of 19th century famous artist William Woodhouse who lived in the West End on Chatsworth Rd.

Totems & TIles
Bev Liver, Andrew Morris & Friends of Alexandra Square
Working with the Friends of Alexandra Square and local residents to create handmade ceramic tiles and installation of community made mosaic totem poles to enhance the park with creativity.

Fixing Project
Peter Wareing
The fixing project plans to bring new life and handmade, creative repairs to fences and benches on the cut through of Yorkshire St and Parliament St where we usually host the market.