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Writer's pictureCreative West End

Introducing the markets for 2023

Updated: May 31, 2023

Blog by the Roving Reporter.

This Saturday, May 13th, is the first of 5 monthly markets for the Spring-Summer season running May to September. They will be held on the Promenade site of the West End Gardens and have been brought together by the Creative West End Community partnership of local residents and organisations.

It will feature market traders, food and music as well as the West End Open Mic and Busking Corner offering anyone who wants to share a song and have a chance to make themselves heard and entertain others on the day.

Community organisations will also be there, allowing those who attend to find out information about any new or existing projects taking place in the area.

The West End Markets began, partly in response to a wonderfully imaginative exercise which Beki Melrose explained that she, along with others from Creative West End, had visualised shared hopes and dreams for the West End of Morecambe. Ideas included hearing children's laughter, the aroma of bread baking and plenty of chances for creativity. Each of these are more than adequately met by the West End Markets; last year's event on May 29th was a wonderful afternoon full of community spirit, laughter and a strong sense of belonging.

Creative West End has identified the importance of this kind of event since these types of community experiences help to resolve some of the affecting West End residents. Being part of a group, regardless of the level of involvement, can really help to prevent loneliness which can affect social and economic issues, which are problems the Creative West End has committed itself to trying to ease.

Last year's markets were very well received, so much so that this year there will be five over the course of summer, which will allow many people to join in and be part of these community events. Kindness, creativity and inclusiveness underpin the mission statement of Creative West End; this year the markets will begin with a quiet hour encouraging a sense of calm for those that may find loud music and festival atmosphere difficult.

Social anxiety and mental health issues often mean that people are unable to take part in these events. It is both exciting and reassuring that such challenges are being noticed and that different needs are being met.

A recent article, published by Thrive magazine in their Spring 2023 edition from the Creative West End partners Good Things Collective, discusses how different economic challenges, both for individuals and organisations can reduce or stifle creativity. The Theory of Change which is the part of the article shows us how we can make permanent and positive progress in our community and these markets are themselves an investment in community wealth building and distribution.

Those involved offer their time and resources and use their skills within a community which supports them to create cultural projects. As people's talents are recognised and used within the community, feelings of self-worth often increase and social groups often expand which helps improve people's lives and general wellbeing. The community's economy comprises abilities, time and other resources as well as financial input and as such is building up a high level of wealth for all of Morecambe.

The markets bring together some of the most talented, enthusiastic and hardworking individuals who are increasing the value of the event socially, financially and as a personal experience, simply by being there.

Blog by the Roving Reporter in residence with us for 2023.

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