Poem by Amy Bee - The Nib Crib
It’s more than a Christmas Market,
It’s belonging.
It’s an elbow bash,
A laugh
At how much cash
It’s cost you when you just came
Into browse.
It’s that smile,
That soup,
That mince pie.
That opportunity to meet
With friends both new and old.
It’s a warmth, not from the cold
Outside, but in me.
I’m welcome here
Amy Bee
The Nib Crib
Joke by Amy Bee - The Nib Crib What do you call 400 travelling Saints for sale??
...A Chris-mass market...
What do you call it when 100 more travelling Saints show up??
....A More-came Chris-mass market..
Photography by Robin Zahler
BLOG by Amy Bee - The Nib Crib

Amy Bee - A recent addition to the local writing community. An award winning comic, aspiring whistler and baker.