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Writer's pictureCreative West End

Starting up on your own, why it’s the scariest and best thing you will ever do!

2020 will certainly be a year to remember for a lot of people; for me it will be the year I made the biggest life transition and started my own business.

Leaving the industry so early on in my career and starting up on my own was one of the biggest, scariest, most exciting and rewarding thing I have ever done.

At university fashion was always about the aesthetic for me, until I made it into the industry. It then very quickly turned into sustainability and ethics. Seeing first-hand how fashion can be so destructive and exploitative to the environment and to garment workers made me realise there was more to this industry than trend, colour and patterns! That’s when I decided I wanted more from the industry, and I wasn't willing to accept it was only as shallow as it first appeared.

Owning your own business comes with lots of different challenges, but the sheer passion blinded the amount of doubt that was constantly ringing in my ears. That's what I let drive me through the times I almost backed out. That and my very supportive family and friends, who never even second guessed that I could do it.

One piece of advice I would give to anyone starting their own business is recognise your accomplishments. Both me and my business have developed into something I could've never imagined a few years ago. Sometimes it's hard to remember how far you’ve come when your mind is going 60mph every day. Accomplishments within your own business are not measured in pay rises and promotions, so being aware of them in different ways is really important to remember why you made the transition in the first place.

In spite of all the difficult times, starting a business has definitely given me greater purpose and meaning, it is so much more than making money. The fact I am excited to wake up on a Monday morning has significantly changed my mental health in more ways than one! So much about myself, who I am, what my values are and how strong I am have come from this transition.

Just remember, be consistent, and stick to your guns. Don't allow your doubt to take over your passion! And enjoy every second of it because it is the best thing you will ever do!

Visit my website an follow me on Instagram @kohrfashion I always share my day to day business life on there!

Amy xoxo


Blog By Amy Joanne Kohl

Amy Joanne Kohl is the founder of KOHR a sustainable slow fashion brand. Amy is a Fashion Designer with a vision for a better industry.

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